Friday 3 January 2014

The importance of in-stream tree matter.

Without researching, tree matter (or woody debris) may seem like a simple issue, but its influence on ecology is significant. It has:
·      An enhanced effect on the connectivity with the floodplain, which is key for nutrient input and flow shelter of animals during high flows.
·   A direct influence on the quality of spawning sites for some species (such as the ‘logjammer hoverfly’).
·      An indirect influence on the quality of spawning sites for some species (such as the removal of fine sediments enhancing salmon reproduction).
·      An overall enhancement on habitat quality by providing shelter from fast flows.

Figure 1 – A fish sheltering under a tree (Mott, 2006. Page 5). 

Although demonstrating its influences on specific species cannot be done using basic home experiments, the clip below shows how it influences the top and bottom points. 

Mott. N (2007) 'Managing woody debris in rivers, streams and floodplains'

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